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Link To Action America
Provide your visitors with links to the content that conservatives, libertarians and constitutionalists have proved that they want to read.

Action America has taken over 660,000 hits from over 92,000 unique visitors in a single month and consistently takes over 200,000 hits.

For your convenience, we have provided several styles and sizes of banners and the associated html code to make linking to us easy. Just right-click on the banner of your choice to display the popup menu and save the image to your system under the default name. Then, upload it to your webserver and save it under that name in the same directory as the html for the page where the banner will be placed. Finally, copy the related html code from this page and paste it into your web page html where you want the banner to appear.

That's it.

Note: If you put your images in a separate directory, you probably already know how to modify the code snippet to place the banner in that directory.  If not, use our Feedback Form and include your question.

Well, there is one more thing.  Let us know that you have linked to us so we can cross link to your site.

Standard Size Animated Banner (468 x 60)
(As a courtesy, animation ends in about 30 seconds.  Reload page to see animation.)
<a href=""><img src="aabanner.gif" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="Action America"></a>


Standard Size Static Banner (468 x 60)
<a href=""><img src="aastbanner.gif" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="Action America"></a>


Small Alternating Banner (120 x 75)
(As a courtesy, alternation ends in about 30 seconds.  Reload page to see animation.)
<a href=""><img src="aasmbanner.gif" width="120" height="75" border="0" alt="Action America"></a>


Small Static Banner (120 x 75)
<a href=""><img src="aasmstbanr.gif" width="120" height="75" border="0" alt="Action America"></a>


Thin Static Banner
<a href=""><img src="aathinbanr.gif" width="234" height="40" border="0" alt="Action America"></a>

If you should have any problems adding one of these banners to your site, please email and we will be glad to help.

Thank you for linking to Action America.

