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Drug War Cost Clock Updated for 2009 Data

The Drug War Cost Clock, which continuously counts up the second-by-second cost of the War on Drugs, has been updated to tick over $1,673.45 every second of every day, based upon the most recent federal budget data.

Houston, Texas ( January 31, 2009 – The conservative Action America webzine, which hosts the well known Drug War Cost Clock, located at, today announced that they have adjusted the formula that is used by their Drug War Cost Clock, to reflect increases in the most recent (2009) federal drug control budget data.

This year, federal and state governments will spend approximately $52.3 billion or $1673.45 of the taxpayers' money each and every second of every day, in 2009, to prosecute the so-called, "War on Drugs," with nothing to show for their past efforts. This represents almost a half billion dollar increase over last year's spending.

The new changes to the Drug War Cost Clock reflects this new government budget data and the clock now continuously counts up another $1673,45 every second that the web page is open, which helps to put that spending into perspective.

Action America publisher, John Gaver, said, "Most people just can't get their heads around $52 billion, but they do understand $1673. That's why, when even the most implacable big-government types watch the Drug War Cost Clock for a few moments, it tends to give even them pause and that's why we have gone to the effort of creating this clock."

Gaver also pointed out that Action America has used the most conservative numbers that they could, in order to make certain that big-government types will not be able to distract from the message of the clock, by disputing some minor flaw in the numbers. "If there are flaws in the data," said Gaver, "then they mean that the problem is even worse than the clock now indicates."

The Drug War Cost Clock is also available as a CPU-friendly Macintosh dashboard widget and can be downloaded at

For more information on the Drug War Cost Clock, contact John Gaver or see the article, "Drug War Cost Clock updated for 2009" at, For more information on the monetary and social costs of the War on Drugs, see the article, "Drugs - The Untold Truth" at is a popular, non-profit, conservative/libertarian webzine, known for its uncompromising stand for original intent of the Constitution, the Rule of Law and for fiscal conservatism. is also known for the abundance of links to reputable sources that are provided throughout most of their articles and for being a long term, outspoken supporter of the FAIR Tax, as the only responsible, fair and revenue neutral replacement for the income tax and IRS. has also been known to challenge conventional conservative thought, when appropriate.


John Gaver
Editor & Publisher
(281) 354-4888


Check out these excellent sources of information and commentary on this subject:

Drug War Facts - Just the Facts, but well sourced
America Locks Up 2 Millionth Inmate - It's a World Record!!!
Adolescent Drug Use and Drug Control Efforts
The War on Drugs Clock - It's ticking a shameful total
Recommendations of New Mexico Governor’s Drug Policy Advisory Group
The Effective National Drug Control Strategy 1999
Justice Policy Institute
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (FEAR)
National Center for Health Statistics - recommended only for experienced researchers
Bureau of Justice Statistics Report on Prison Population


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